Treat your pain at work

Treat your pain at work

Breaking our routine with 10 minutes of stretching If you work in an office, chances are that you spend the majority of your day in a sitting position, from being in front of the computer, to sitting in the car or later on decompressing in front of the television....
How do I use a cane or crutches?

How do I use a cane or crutches?

Doctors may suggest the use of an assisted walking device following an injury or surgery while the lower extremity is healing. At the beginning, it may seem difficult to manage the walking aids, however with practice it will quickly become easier and your confidence...
Can physiotherapy get rid of my headaches?

Can physiotherapy get rid of my headaches?

While some headaches can be worse than others, they can all be pretty exhausting. What many people don’t know is that there are different types of headaches and with certain types, physiotherapy can help! Migraines Migraines can be caused by several factors including...
Why does a multidisciplinary approach work better

Why does a multidisciplinary approach work better

In 2014 Sidell & Cousins stated that  “ People experiencing pain often report mood disturbances, including irritability, helplessness and depression. More complex cognitive responses can also develop, such as loss of belief in the ability to perform tasks and fear...