Educational Videos on Stretching

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Adductor Stretch

This is a demonstration of the adductor stretch. The adductor is the muscle found on the inside part of your thigh.

Biceps and Triceps

This is a demonstration of the biceps and triceps stretch.  These muscles are found on your upper arm.

Gluteal Stretch

This is a demonstration of the gluteal stretch.

Hamstring Stretch

This is a demonstration of the hamstring stretch.

IT Band Stretch

This is a demonstration of the ilio-tibial band stretch.

Pectoralis Stretch

This is a demonstration of the chest muscle stretch.

Psoas Stretch

This is a demonstration of the hip flexor stretch.

Quadriceps Stretch

This is a demonstration of the front of the thigh stretch.

Rhomboid Stretch

This is a demonstration of the front of the thigh stretch.

Piriformis Stretch

This is a demonstration of the front of the deep gluteal muscle (piriformis) stretch.