Our sports doctors for sports therapy and sports physiotherapy

Our doctors specialize in sports and optimize the performance of professional and amateur athletes. We have many experts in sports
medicine in Montréal who can be found in our clinics: orthopedists,
emergency physicians, surgeons, general practitioners, etc.

Their specialized training and accumulated knowledge allow our sports doctors to accompany athletes, whether professional or not, in the practice of their activities. Their approach is aimed at ensuring their health and fitness, but also at preventing sports-related injuries and treating them when they occur.

Depending on the patient’s needs, our sports physicians are able to diagnose and treat injuries and traumas related to physical activity, in order to promote a quick and healthy return to playing or training. They also ensure that they provide the necessary advice to the patient so that he or she can improve performance, all the while reducing the risk of injury or illness that may result from intensive or recreational training. This prevention of potential injuries may involve some recommendations on the proper diet for such physical activity, as well as some recommendations on warm-up or exercise of the sport itself.



Sports therapy

Athletic therapy is used to heal and rehabilitate an athlete or other person who has an injury, trauma, or illness that prevents them from performing their usual activities (whether it is playing soccer or walking, for example). Depending on the problem encountered, our sports therapists offer a variety of treatments that will allow for optimal recovery and a safe return to activities.

At the AMS Medical and Rehabilitation Centre, our Athletic Therapists are trained to identify and treat injuries in all types of athletes, and at all ages. Whether on the field or in the clinic, our experts will take care of your joint problem, muscle tear or any other issue so that you can resume your usual activities.

Sports Physiotherapy

Sports physiotherapy treats all sports related injuries and pain, whether the sport is practised by a seasoned athlete or an amateur. Whether the pain is caused progressively by repeated exercise or spontaneously by a poorly executed sporting gesture, our sports physiotherapists have multiple expertise in order to heal the various musculoskeletal injuries caused by the practice of any sport.

Our professionals in sports physiotherapy ensure that you may return to your sport safely by accompanying you throughout your healing process. If necessary, therapeutic adhesive bandages (taping) can allow you to return more quickly.

Here are our sports medicine physicians specializing in sports medicine:

Dr. Michael Golgoon

Dr. Michael Golgoon

General Practice, Sports Medicine

Dr. Ashwin Sairam

Dr. Ashwin Sairam

General Medicine, Sports Medicine

Dr. Roberto Lin

General Medicine

Dr. Jonathan Sebag

General Medicine

Dr. Sepehr-Arae Arash

Orthopedic Surgeon

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